At some point when I actually have some spare time, I would like to start adding a few comprehensive reviews of the fountain pens I own. Hopefully, accompanied with some useful pictures. In the meantime, I thought I would post a quick mini-review of the one pen that does not leave the house, ever.
My Dunhill Sidecar Limousette was given to me by my now wife on the first anniversary of our first date. Funnily enough I bought her a pen too, from Tiffanys. Way too extravagant and very humbling that I should be given such a valuable present. Consequently, why I would never dare take it to the office or elsewhere.
The experience of receiving such a gift was amazing. This Dunhill is presented in a very plush wooden box, which makes the opening of the box itself a real event.
The pen is heavy. A good solid laquer over metal – nice and sensuous – combined with a weighty cap make of solid silver. And, it's the cap I love most – based on the design of a Steib motorcycle sidecar. Giving an overall feeling of understated elegance, its may be the simplicity that brings this elegant poise. But the cap really does unbalance the pen when writing, so I tend to use it unposted.
The nib is pretty smooth, and has a very slight spring to it. Its not the greatest nib I've ever written with, but it is close to what you would expect of a high-end pen. Though I'd argue this pen is primarily about the design than its writing ability.
There is one other flaw that should have been corrected before production. The screw fit between the barrel and nib section tends to work loose. Not a major thing but a little annoying – it could easily have been fixed with a simple recessed rubber seal or similar.
To fill it uses standard short international cartridges or a supplied convertor (nice and smooth).
Im summary, a great pen to admire and be seen with – that's if you dare take it out of the house.